Summer term Muck visits


During summer term, the children of Eigg primary travel to Muck every Wednesday to spend some time with their friends at Muck primary.


We went on the Sheerwater. We saw lots of seals when we got to Muck. When they saw us, they popped into the water. You could hear splash, splash, splash.

When we got into Muck, we walked to the school and we saw these really cute lambs. Two little black lambs with white noses.

The older children went to the hall and we did shinty, hockey and basketball. Mine and Mr MacInnes’ team won.

We made paper rockets with a little top hat and we put them on a plastic bottle. Then we filled it about a quater full with water and then we stuck a pump underneath. We pumped and the rocket shot up into the sky. It was really fun!

We were supposed to be doing basket ball, but we kept getting distracted because a helicopter landed in the field below the hall. When we walked to the boat, Mr MacInnes let us walk to the helicopter and we sat inside it. It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. It was brilliant!


I saw the seals dive in. When we got to the school we played outside. We played a dragon game. I was a bad guy I had to kill the dragon. Freya turned bad at one point. We used the castle as a prison. There used to be a big flag I could stand next to, but the flag isn’t there anymore. I really like the playground on Muck.

I am getting a rocket for my birthday.

I went into the helicopter. It was from the fish farm. I saw a thousand buttons. I imagined pressing one.

On board the MV Sheerwater.

Playing shinty in the playground.

PE at Muck hall with Miss MacGilp.

Eigg and Muck babies having a great time together!

Rocket launch

Rocket launch with our own homemade rocket.